

 1. Framing your work with a matt board around the image, creating space around your print, or
2. Mounting the artwork directly to archival board, with the framing right up to the image.
Use either a PLAIN WHITE FRAME  
OR an ORNATE WHITE FRAME (You can try many options with a framer some of which I've recommended below)


Glass: Framing behind glass provides the ultimate physical protection for your print. When framing gloss and semi-gloss prints, allow time for 'out-gassing' before placing behind glass, particularly in colder climates, where the evaporation of glycol in the inks can occur quite slowly and leave a slight
oily fog on the glass inside the frame. 
We recommend finishing your print presentation with a minimum 99% UV resistant glass or a 70% UV resistant (AR70) glass with Reflection Control. Optimally a 99% UV Control or 'Museum Control' glass should be used.

Frame and matt: Using a matt board around your artwork will mean you don't have to adhere your print directly to an archival mount board. It is also a good way to create more space around an image (note: a wider frame will also make the image appear larger). A matt board is not advisable for artworks over 80cm in size. When framing your print, please make sure that your picture framer uses quality parts and be sure to discuss archival options with your framer before doing so, as cheaper quality frames often include non-archival glue/acids that can damage your print over time. Do not frame any work with foam spacers, over time this foam degrades, and/or the adhesive lifts and the spacer bows. 

Mounting: For prints above A2 (42x59.5 cm) in size, especially prints that are not matted, we highly recommend mounting your print onto a 5mm Acid Free Rigid Foam Board. This ensures it stays flat and does not ripple. Some framers may state that this is not archival, but in the case of your digital fine art print we believe that it is acceptable, as the board becomes a part of the artwork over time.  Using a wider frame will give more space around the image, making the artwork appear larger.

These are finished with a protective UV matte varnish and will not require glass.  Your framer should stretch the work over a wooden frame called a strainer
(a frame with bevelled and fixed corners) and then finished off with a simple tray frame of your choice, for the majority of prints, we recommend a white tray frame.   
Wellington - The Workshop Framers
Christchurch - Ronald Mottram Framers
Queenstown - Aurum Gallery
London Wimbledon - Aubergine Art Framers
Plain frame with matt - 
Ornate frame framed to the edge of mounted image - 
 Emma admiring her work at the Royal Academy in London 2016. 
This is flat mounted within an ornate white frame.
  Detail of a tray framed canvas frame
Emma and her work Watershed Moment at the Royal Academy 2022,
this work is stretched Canvas with an off white tray frame
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